The development of the insulating anchor: Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor

Hermes Befestigungstechnik GmbH [Attachment Technology] developed the “Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor” and has been selling the insulating anchor for fastening thermally separated exterior components to highly thermally insulated exterior facades (external thermal insulation compound systems - ETICS) since 2012. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hermes Royal Fensterladenfabrik [Hermes Royal Shutter Factory], which has been specialising in the manufacture, distribution and installation of shutters for over 45 years.
Partly due to the introduction of the Energieeinsparverordnung [German - Energy Saving Ordinance] (EnEV), heat insulation is paramount in today’s modern homes and when renovating the insulation with external thermal insulation compound systems (ETICS).
Architects and tradespeople are increasingly having to prevent thermal bridging when mounting their constructions on these heat-insulated exterior facades with a suitable insulation anchor without thermal bridges through the insulation.

“The insulation anchors on the market were not satisfactory”
Due to the solutions available on the market, which are usually complicated, protracted and cumbersome to install, the idea of developing a bespoke insulation anchor was born out of decades of installation experience, which guarantees a secure attachment for shutters.
And so development of a thermally separated anchor for thermally insulated exterior walls began in 2007.
In the course of this development a patent was awarded under the internal term “Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor”. This anchor allows shutters to be mounted on different thicknesses of insulated exterior walls in innovative, uncomplicated and energy-saving ways.
The Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor is the perfect insulation anchor for more than just shutters
When we realised that the thermal anchor was also suitable for attaching other products, we joined forces with Stuttgart University in a cooperation and research project for developing the thermal anchor further. The aim of this cooperation agreement was to receive approval from the Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) [German Institute for Construction] Engineering, based on structural engineering tests, for a stand off mounting system with heat-insulation properties for attaching heavy elements on heat-insulated exterior walls.
After receiving this approval for the Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor we founded Hermes Royal Befestigungstechnik GmbH in 2012 with the aim of specialising in other fields of activity. The company’s chief focus is to develop and distribute the Hermes Royal Thermal Anchor.